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Stay at home, stay in doors, stay away from others, is pretty much all we have heard this past month. 

When thinking about what "belonging" to somewhere means to others, you have to consider where everyone is staying at home. When we were all told to stay at home, where exactly did people stay? Is home where they feel they belong? or is it somewhere completely different, where they were brought up, where there loves one are, or somewhere completely different. It is hard to understand where everyone belongs without asking. 


Or, is where they belong not their home, can people not access where they belong for a while, how does this feel? not being able to go where you truly feel you belong. What sort of effect does this have on people mentally.  


Where do I belong? 


Where do I belong? a question I have asked myself a lot throughout this process. The short answer, the Isle of Man. The long answer, I have no idea, yet. My roots are in the Isle of Man, over the past 3 years these roots have spread over to the UK, to Staffordshire, Stoke, where, really I didn't feel like I belonged at all, to move to somewhere so different, where the people are different, the surroundings are different, it made me understand, understand that I belong to the Isle of Man, to my house, to my family, to my friends, to the grass, the mountains, the river and the sea. The Isle of Man demands to be felt a part of, I don't think you really realise it until you go somewhere new, somewhere different. 


Stay at home? 
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